A green mailbox in a rural neighborhood.

How To Install A Pole-Mounted Mailbox

1-2 hours

Whether you choose a wall-mounted or pole-mounted mailbox, proper installation is key in ensuring timely mail delivery. The experts at Norfolk Hardware & Home Center share their tips on installing a pole-mounted mailbox below.

Looking for tips on installing a wall-mounted mailbox?

Before You Start:

  • The United States Postal Service (USPS) has specific guidelines to follow when installing a pole-mounted mailbox. Please consult the USPS website for more details.
  • Verify that there are no underground utilities that will interfere where you plan to put your mailbox.
  • Consult the manufacturer instructions for exact installation information.


  • Concrete (1 bag)
  • House number or lettering
  • Mailbox
  • Mailbox post


  • Level
  • Screwdriver
  • Shovel/post-hole digger
  • Tape measure

Step 1: Dig Hole For Post

USPS mandates that a pole-mounted mailbox be no taller than 45 inches above street level. If your street has a curb, your mailbox height should be 42 inches about ground, accounting a few extra inches for the curb height.

Mark the spot on your lawn where the mailbox should be, about 6-8 inches from the curb. Dig a hole for your mailbox post, no deeper than 24 inches in depth. Insert post into the hole, and measure to verify that is not taller than 42” (with a curb)

Step 2: Secure Mailbox Post

Using support beams or a helper, prop the post to make sure that it remains straight while concrete is poured. Use a level to verify that the post is not leaning in any direction. Prepare and pour a bag of fast-setting concrete into the hole, around the post. Do not fill the hole entirely, leave a few inches of space at the top. Check post to make sure it stayed level during this process. Allow concrete to dry before removing support.

Step 3: Attach Mailbox

Using the mounting brackets included with your pole-mounted mailbox, attach the mailbox to the post. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for specific installation guides. Make sure that your mailbox is level.

Step 4: Finishing Touches

Add your house number to the mailbox. If your pole-mounted mailbox is located on a separate street from your home, put your full street on your mailbox as well. USPS requires any numbers or letters to be at least one inch tall. If desired, add soil over the concrete in the ground to hide it. You can also turn the area around your mailbox into a small garden, for added curb appeal.

Need a mailbox? Norfolk Hardware & Home Center is Boston's largest family-owned hardware and home center, family owned since 1934. Recently remodeling, Norfolk Hardware has over 40,000 square feet of retail space with everything you need for your home improvement project, including pole-mounted mailboxes! If they don't have your style in store - don't worry, they will order it for you, with free shipping to the store! Contact Norfolk Hardware & Home Center today.